First meeting of the JAIU Scientific Council!
October 3, 2024
International accreditation and certification of universities allow to check and confirm the compliance of educational programs with international standards
October 8, 2024

As is known, self-realization and employment of graduates is a very relevant topic for many educational organizations, including our university.
Cooperation with employers helps us to accomplish this difficult task. Today, a hybrid meeting with employers from India, Pakistan and Nepal was held within the walls of Jalal-Abad International University.
The meeting considered the following issues:
Discussions of the mission of the University, the Faculty of Medicine and the OOP.
- Discussions of the OOP 560001 General Medicine based on 12 years of education for foreign citizens.
- Discussions of the system for assessing the quality of education and the system for assessing the knowledge of students.
What a graduate should be like (graduate model).
Self-realization of personnel in the labor market in Southeast Asian countries, demand and trends.
During the meeting, a number of important decisions and proposals were made to change the educational program of students at Jalal-Abad International University. The meeting was quite successful and marked the beginning of further joint work that will be carried out in the long term.Jalal-Abad International University