Ukubaeva Akylai Narmamatovna
Date & place of birth:
15.12.1962 y, Oogan Talaa village Bazar-Korgon District Jalal-Abad Region
1981-1986 Kyrgyz State National University named after the 50th Anniversary of the USSR, the Foreign Languages Department, Received a diploma for teaching English language and literature & of Linguist. Diploma HB № 100252
Languages: Kyrgyz, English, Russian.
Work experience:
2022-2024 Librarian at LCD “WCIEC”.
2019-2022 Librarian at Medical College, Toktomamatov International University
2016-2019 English Teacher at Kyrgyz-Turkish College, Toktomamatov International University
2013-2015 Programme Assistant, OSCE CSI project
2011-2012 Interpreter, Office Assistant, OSCE CSI project
2010 -2011 Project Manager, Association of Women Leaders of Jalal-Abad.
2007-2010 Area Coordinator of Jalal-Abad Base, ACTED-Kyrgyzstan
2006-2007 Senior Credit Officer of Jalal-Abad Base, Rural Development Department, ACTED Kyrgyzstan
2004-2005 Senior Credit officer of Micro Crediting Company “Companion Financial Group”
2001-2004 Credit officer of Public Fund “MCA Ak- Maral Yug”
1999-2001 Credit officer of Women’s Micro Financing Project of Mercy Corps International
1996-1999 English teacher at Jalal-Abad State University, Jalal-Abad.
1995-1996 English teacher of Preparatory Courses of Jalal-Abad State University
1992-1995 English teacher at School №17 Oogan-Talaa village, Bazar-Korgon District.
1990-1992 English teacher at School №1, Bazar-Korgon village
“Honorary Diploma” of Jalal-Abad Province Police Head Quarters for supporting Police work in providing community security in Jalal-Abad Province. Jalal-Abad Province Head Quarters. Jalal-Abad City. Kyrgyzstan, 2015;
“Honorary diploma” of Jalal-Abad Province Governor for contribution in providing community security in Jalal-Abad Province. Jalal-Abad Province State Administration. Jalal-Abad City. Kyrgyzstan, 2014;
The deed for contribution to the development of Vocational Education in South Kyrgyzstan, 2008;
The deed for responsible and dedicated service to Mercy Corps mission in Kyrgyz Republic, 2004;
“Gramota” for responsible and dedicated service to Public Fund “Ak-Maral Yug”, 2003;
“Gramota” for honest and excellent service to Public Fund “Ak-Maral Yug” 2002;
“Diploma” for active participation in the activity of Public Fund “Ak-Maral Yug”, 2001.