Dr. Astanov Shavkatbek Moninzhanovich

Dean of Medical Faculty

Address: Student Town , Street Kurmanbek 24, Jalal-Abad city, Jalal-Abad State , Kyrgyz
Phone: 0552 30 86 03
Email: astanov.shavkat@mail.ru

Mission of Medical Faculty

Education of qualified personnel in order to improve public health care and life conditions by means of quality and continuous medical education based on modern and innovative educational system, corresponding to world standards, scientific researches and clinical practice to face the global health care challenges
History of the establishment of the medical faculty of Jalal-Abad International University

In 2024, Jalal-Abad International University opened a new medical faculty, which became an important step in the development of medical education in Kyrgyzstan and beyond. This initiative arose against the backdrop of a growing need for qualified medical personnel both in the country, in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries and abroad.

The creation of the faculty was prompted by several factors.

Firstly, the analysis showed that in Kyrgyzstan and neighboring countries there is a shortage of doctors in various specialties.

Secondly, the university undertakes to provide quality education with a strong material and technical base that meets modern standards in all aspect, and to teach not only local students, but also students from other countries near and far abroad.

The process of opening the medical faculty began with the formation of an expert group consisting of leading medical specialists, teachers and practitioners. Curricula have been created that meet all international requirements.

An important aspect was the creation of modern educational technologies and methods, such as simulation centers and distance learning.

In September 2024, according to the structure of the university, the medical faculty began its work. Faculty began its work on 2 programs of 560001 General Medicine 5 years and 560001 General Medicine 6 years. At the same time, our students will have the opportunity to undergo practical training in our own multidisciplinary international clinic at JAIU, in the best clinics in the region, which will ensure high-quality practical training.

From the first days of its work, the Faculty of Medicine has been actively developing international relations. Cooperation has been established with medical universities and clinics from Uzbekistan, India, Pakistan, and other countries. This gives students the opportunity to participate in academic mobility exchange programs, internships, and scientific conferences, which significantly enriches their experience.

The Faculty of Medicine has already attracted the attention of applicants not only from Kyrgyzstan, but also from the CIS countries and far abroad. The program of study at the faculty is aimed at training specialists capable of working in a multinational environment, which is especially relevant in the context of globalization.






Model of a graduate


BEP HPE 560001 "GENERAL MEDICINE" - 6 years




BEP HPE 560001 "GENERAL  MEDICINE" based on 12-year education (for foreign citizens)



Regulations On The Modular-Rating System For Assessing Performance And Quality Of Education